CERSE Meeting at the BioQuarter



The primary goal of the Community of Edinburgh Research Software Engineers (CERSE) is to invite active and interested Research Software Engineers (RSEs) to bootstrap and participate in a local community of practice.

Venue, Date, Time

Seminar room 2, Chancellor’s building, Little France, 12-2pm, 8th October.

Code of Conduct

We expect all attendees at this meeting to abide by the Carpentries Code of Conduct. In summary, we encourage the following behaviour:

Please see the link above for the full Code.

If someone violates the Code of Conduct during the event we ask that you report it to one of the organisers (Mario Antonioletti). All reports will be reviewed by the organisers and kept confidential.


This is a provisional timetable.

Time Activity
12:00 Welcome - Sean McGeever
12:05 Ice breaking session (opportunity to get to know your fellow attendees)
12:40 What are RSEs and Why are we doing this - Mario Antonioletti and Mike Wallis with discussion
13:30 Coffee and biscuits
14:00 Close

In order to get an idea of numbers for catering please register here. If you would like to know about previous CERSE activities go to this page.

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